My music has never been about the bells and whistles but has always been honest. It's never been more honest than my single "My Day Will Come." This is not a song as much as it is a short autobiography or a self portrait shown musically. I show my flaws, my blemishes and my imperfections. In this vulnerable state I also table my deep desires to overcome life's obstacles in pursuit of maximizing my potential. I'm far from reaching my quest, but I believe firmly that I'm on the path and "My Day Will Come." I use the current milestones along my journey as fuel and I illustrate and celebrate these in the music video. True measure of success is how many you bring with you, so my intention and hopes with the single is the mobilize a movement of self-driven and highly motivated individuals who also believe that they're Day will come..
Thank you to Kabomo, JobieOne, Cross/Makere, Suzan and Ziona and to all my friends including DJ Fresh for helping me tell my story..
ProVerb ft Kabomo - My Day Will Come
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